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Pics of Dayspring Ministry In Abuja, Nigeria

Dayspring is growing worldwide... Here below are pictures of the first Regional meeting of the Northern Region of Nigeria.  There appears to be a large amount of interest here... Pray for Nigeria... we now have two centers of ministry, One, the Southern Region in Logos under the supervision of Regional Superintendent, Dr. Sam Babs, and the Northern Region under the Regional Superintendent, Pator David Ina... Pray for Dayspring worldwide.....

Pastor David Francis Ina
Ruling Elder & Bishop, North Region, Abuja, Nigeria

Ministers who attended the first
Regional meeting of the North Region in Abuja, Nigeria

More members of the First Regional meeting in Abuja, Nigera

Meeting in Abuja, Nigeria, Northern Region

Ministers who attended the First Regional Meeting
in Abuja. This is the Northern Region under Rev. David Francis Ina, Regional Superintendent

Regional Superintendents of the Northern Region
Abuja, Nigeria, Pastor David And Helen Francis Ina